
Problems and Solutions Concerning Design of Robust Conjoint Studies in Unconventional Scenarios

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About this presentation

The main aim of this paper is to showcase the development of adaptive choice-based conjoint analysis (ACBC) experiment in the unconventional setting of behavioural economics. I start by highlighting the problems and pitfalls from the initial stages of designing the experiment, i.e. defining the attributes; through scale development; to end with the analysis and graphical presentation of part-worth functions, while giving practical solutions at each stage. The presentation is based on the results of the empirical research on the career choice problem. The emphasis is put on the problems pertaining to usage of more abstract and less tangible attributes and level descriptions that require careful treatment to guarantee high quality data output and subsequent results. Finally, I contrast the results of the study with previous research based on traditional conjoint experiments in order to show the importance of proper and conscious scale development, as it might affect the results and conclusions of the experiment. The whole presentation is based on research which might be useful for practitioners, especially HR departments, interested in enhancing their recruitment procedures. Nevertheless, presented ideas and solutions are considered useful and applicable for anyone designing any ACBC study.

Jakub Golik
Gdańsk University of Technology