Additional details

Registration fees

The three-day Choice Modeling Workshop costs $1,950 per participant. Breakfasts, lunches, and snacks are included. All workshop fees must be received by Sawtooth Software prior to the start of the session. Registered attendees get a discounted room rate at the hotel next to our venue. See the venue tab for more information.

Cancellation policy

  • Cancellations made before December 20, 2024, will be subject to a cancelation fee of 25% of your registration fees.

  • Cancellations made between December 20, 2024 and January 5, 2025, will be subject to a cancelation fee of 50% of your registration fees.

  • Cancelations made after January 5, 2025, will be subject to a cancelation fee of 100% of your registration fees.

PC laptop required

Because this is a hands-on software training event, you will need to bring a laptop PC (configured with Windows) to use during the workshop. A few days before start of the workshop we will email you the Sawtooth Software licenses you need, but you are responsible for providing your own computer. It is helpful if your computer also has Microsoft Powerpoint, Word, and Excel.

If you do not have access to a reliable PC laptop, find that IT restrictions prevent you from installing the required software, or simply prefer not to travel with your computer for security reasons, we have a limited number of rental laptops available for use at the workshop. These laptops come fully installed with all software required for the course. The cost for a rental laptop is $250. Rental must be arranged at least two weeks prior to the start of the workshop, and is subject to availability.

Disability accommodation

Sawtooth Software is committed to providing equal access to our meetings for all attendees. If you are an attendee with a disability and require meeting room/program accommodations (wheelchair access, hearing assistance, etc.), please contact us at +1 801 477 4700 or by email at and a member of our staff will ensure that appropriate access arrangements are made. If you have specific disability-related needs for your hotel sleeping room, please be sure to communicate those directly to the hotel when you make your room reservation. In an effort to provide the highest quality of service to all attendees, we require that details of all access requests be communicated to our office at least 14 days in advance of the beginning of the meeting.


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